Monstercat Visualizer for Rainmeter A realtime audio visualizer for Rainmeter similar to the ones used in the Monstercat videos and Google Play Music Desktop Player (thanks to @tjhrulz for his plugin) support Windows 7 or higher Rainmeter 40 (r2746) or higher Genrebased colors (AIMP, CAD, iTunes, WMP and Winamp)Rainmeter does not replace other applications that it interacts with For example, an iTunes skin may let you pause, play or skip to the next track in your iTunes media player But iTunes must still be running in the background for the skin to work21/9/Rainmeter does not replace other applications that it interacts with For example, an "iTunes" skin may let you pause, play or skip to the next track in your iTunes media player But iTunes must still be running in the background for the skin to work Monstercat Visualizer Skin For Rainmeter 4 3 Or Higher Rainmeter itunes visualizer